Archive Mid North Coast, Toormina, 2023

LEISURE by dowatfeelsgood - An exhibition and zine commenting on the work/life balance and the idea that leisure is central to culture and human life.

Excerpt from LEISURE zine:

What do you do? I bet you have been asked this before. It usually makes me cringe, but the fact that people ask this shows how our society chooses to identify us. If you are someone with a low occupational status or simply choose to identify with different aspects of your life, you are more likely to express the importance of leisure. What do you want to spend your time doing vs what you need to do. The so-called balance between them and the meanings we associate with them are varied and result in different levels of well-being for us all. For example, spending the majority of our time doing what we love or working our arse off because we feel like we have no choice. The relationship between the two determines how much time we have on our hands to relax and shows how unequal all our lives are. What follows will skim the surface of this massive topic and hopefully provide some thinking material when you are kicking back, enjoying the moment.